Arugam Bay

The southeast coast of the island is a famous holiday destination which was also recognised by Lonely Planet as the eighth best destination to visit in 2018. While its surfing breaks such as Whisky Point, Arugam Bay point, Crocodile rock and Peanut Farm attract ardent surfers from across the world, Arugam Bay offers something for everyone throughout the year. Once you finish taking a nice long dip in the Ocean, take a walk along the beach from Pottuvil Point passing Whisky Point towards Komarito enjoy beautiful scenery. One area of the Arugam Bay beach is full of fishing boats as that is the livelihood of the coastal area.

The Urani village in Arugam Bay is scenic and exudes rural charm. You will see homesteads with lush green vegetation and fresh vegetables in this little village. Panama is also a little village hidden in Arugam Bay where you will spot the simple ways of village life. The Panama Lake and Panama Beach are must visit attractions in Arugam Bay. Visitors can easily reach the Kumana National Park taking advantage of its close distance from Arugam Bay. Embark on an ecotourism safari around the Urani lagoon to spy on wildlife including elephants submerged in water, crocodiles and vibrant birds.West of Pottuvil along the A4, one can come across the well-preserved remains of a picturesque Buddhist temple-Magul Maha Viharaya in Lahugala. The Oakdna Temple that sits on the border of the Kumana National Park, is yet another attraction in Arugam Bay. At night, the quaint streets of Arugam Bay come alive as the restaurants and little eateries start whipping up scrumptious seafood delights.

Arugambay - VISIT 2 SRI LANKA
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