Minneriya National Park

Nestled in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka, the Minneriya National Park has it heart at the Minneriya reservoir built by King Mahasen. The entrance of the Park is conveniently located on the Habarana-Polonnaruwa Road. The wildlife sanctuary spans over an area of 88.9 square kilometers and it is comparatively smaller in size. Yet, the Park is quiet synonymous with its ‘Great Gathering of Elephants” which is a stunning spectacle of nature. During the dry season, herds and herds of wild elephants make their way towards the reservoir to quench their thirst, feed on the lake banks and play with each other. The reservoir turns into a giant bathtub where the jumbos frolic, fight and splash water. The baby elephants often enjoy a mud bath under the protective eye of their mothers and aunts. Sometimes the gathering can grow up to more than 300 elephants, and it is believed to be the largest congregation of Asian wild elephants in the world. Visit the Park at dusk during the period of June to September to witness this surreal sight.


Apart from its key attraction that enthralls the visitor, Minneriya National Park is also home to monkeys (toque macaques), buffaloes, sambar deers, spotted deers and crocodiles. Although the Sri Lankan leopard is a resident of the Park, it is hard to spot a leopard during game drives. Venture into the dense thickets of Minneriya and witness exhilarating wildlife encounters that you would cherish for a lifetime.

Minneriya - VISIT 2 SRI LANKA
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