Sinharaja Rain Forest

With an extent of 11, 185 hectares, the Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve rolls over Sabaragamuwa and Southern provinces like a deep-emerald carpet. With its enigmatic character and spellbinding landscapes, Sinharaja’s natural beauty extends beyond one’s visual realm. Immerse yourself in its alluring tranquility, listen to the wind-wood creaking, leaves rustling and brooks babbling, you will enter a trance of serenity. This virgin rain forest is one of the most bio-diverse places in Sri Lanka. Average annual rainfall varies between 3000-6000mm without a distinct dry period. Sinharaja is home to many wild inhabitants such as Leopard, Sambar, Mouse Deer, Barking Deer, Purple Face Leaf Monkey, Brown Mongoose and Golden Palm Civet. Interestingly, a duo of Asian elephants also make Sinharaja their home. Some endemic species found in Sinharaja are not be seen anywhere else in the world. Out of the 384 birds recorded in Sri Lanka, over 70 percent reside within Sinharaja. The Forest feeds two major rivers – Gin and Kalu, while serving as an important watershed.

The world inside the evergreen rain forest is an intriguing one and will fascinate you at every turn. Exploring every nook and cranny of the forest seems to be an impossible task as it hides many a secret within its green folds. 64 percent of trees found in Sinharaja are endemic while the forest is home to 23 percent of the island’s endemic animals. Sinharaja harbours species as yet unknown and unrecorded. February to April is the best time to visit Sinharaja as it could be warm and dry without regular downpours. .

Sinharaja - VISIT 2 SRI LANKA
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